by Malini

The Loofah (luffa) Natural Sponge

November 4, 2022 | Packaging

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  • The Loofah (luffa) Natural Sponge

The loofah Sponge is a gourd vegetable. Yes….a vegetable.

Luffa gourds are grown in tropical and subtropical climates.After the plant blooms, the flower develops into a long, gourdlike plant that resembles a giant cucumber or zucchini. The gourds are then harvested and can be left to dry out for up to six months.

Dried gourds are soaked in water, peeled, and their seeds are removed. Once they’re completely dry, they can be sliced, cut, or shaped in a variety of ways before they’re sold as sponges.


Lost to time, the origin of the Luffa (loofah) sponge is unknown as to where exactly it came from, but most scientists believe it originated in Asia or Africa and actual cultivation first started in India. Incredibly, carbon dating revealed that the Luffa gourd was brought to North America over 9000 years ago! Early European settlers in the North American colonies grew Luffa as one of the first domesticated crops in the new world.
A renown author and researcher, Johann Vesling, who died in 1649 traveled to Egypt in the late 1620’s and studied the luffa gourd being cultivated with an array of artificial irrigation channels. From this culture, which called the sponge gourd “luf” in Arabic, came the establishment of the name of the Luffa genus, Luffa Aegyptiaca.
This is the loofah we sell, from Egypt. It is the closer count to Germany and we try to get our products near by.


  • Exfoliates skin, its a great sponge in the shower as it removes dead skin.
  • Great natural face peeling, you just rub your face thoroughly and then after the shower ad a lil oil to your skin, feels like its new born.
  • The loofah cucumber is very bitter when it dries, these bitter properties are great for the skin and are super antibacterial.
  • When you go camping or being on festival, mostly there is no hot shower. The loofah sponge makes sure to remove all dirt thoroughly, so that after the shower you really feel clean.
  • Great for blood circulation, as its a rough sponge, it brings the blood to circulate on the surface of your skin and helps against cellulite.
  • Great Kitchen help, this sponge is also used to wash dishes. Its great for dishes because it dries very fast and can be used far longer then a synthetic sponge. For some dried food on pots it can be a bit too soft even, I recommend having a copper wire sponge to help with that.
  • Its better for your surfaces in the kitchen or in the bathroom. It really cleans like a rough sponge and gets underneath the dirt. I recommend useing it for the surfaces after you finished using the sponge for your body.
  • Helps is saving soap, you just need to rub a lil soap on the sponge and it makes a lot of foam, this way you save nearly half of the soap in the same time of using it normally.
  • As the sponge make a lot of foam, its great for shaving, for man and woman.
  • Great for storage of the soap. I have my traveling soap box, where the soap was often very soggy, especially the solid shampoo. I added a piece of loofah in it and its amazing how dried it stayed .;-)

Good to Know

The sponge is like having a wooden ball. This makes it very organic and need to be dried after every time you use it. If you leave it in water or in a moist place, it can get Molde very fast as its a living organic product.

I have a hook in my bathroom and in my kitchen sink, so its always hung and dried.


Hope you liked my interesting facts of  loofah, like and share for other people to know more 🙂

About the author, Malini


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